Delete Triangles
Allows deletion of an individual triangle.
Click on the triangle on the screen and it will be deleted.
Note: There is no Undo function for this action
To turn on the triangle display, select layers, and tick the ‘Visible’ box for the triangles.
To form the triangles, use the Topo/Contours-Triangles/Make Triangles menu option.
See Triangles for more info on triangles.
Note that deleted triangles will only take effect when contours are re-formed.
The contours can be formed by using the Topo/Contours-Triangles/Make Contours option.
A better way to achieve this is to enter a string around the region where you do not want contours.
Enter a No Contours string and then reform the triangles, the program will automatically ignore the specified area - forever.